
cassandra 写数据 API

cassandra 的结构类似 bigtable ,数据实际上是多层嵌套的 map,第一个 key 是 rowkey,第二层key 是 columnFamily,第三层key 是 column,第四层(也可以忽略) 是 timestamp,然后是 value。

写数据的 API 如下:

 CTConnection conn = null;
 try {
     conn = pool.borrowObject(keySpaceName);
     Cassandra.Client client = conn.getClient();
     if (atomicBatch) {
         client.atomic_batch_mutate(batch, consistency);
     } else {
         client.batch_mutate(batch, consistency);
 } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw CassandraThriftKeyColumnValueStore.convertException(ex);
 } finally {
     pool.returnObjectUnsafe(keySpaceName, conn);

这里的 batch 就是一个多层嵌套的map。final Map<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Mutation>>> batch = new HashMap<>(size);

这里看起来只有两层,第一层的 ByteBuffer 当然是 rowKey,第二层是 String 是 columnFamily。而 List<org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Mutation> 很明显就是添加或者删除的 key:value。

写入 cassandra 的数据格式

上面是写 cassandra 的 API,而最终调用这段代码的位置在 CassandraThriftStoreManager.mutateMany(Map<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> mutations, StoreTransaction txh) 方法。

我们需要了解的就是 Map<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> mutationsMap<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Mutation>>> batch 的对应关系。


final Map<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Mutation>>> batch = new HashMap<>(size);

for (final Map.Entry<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> keyMutation : mutations.entrySet()) {
    // mutations 的 key 是 columnFamily
    final String columnFamily = keyMutation.getKey(); 
    for (final Map.Entry<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation> mutEntry : keyMutation.getValue().entrySet()) {
        // mutations 的第二层 key 是 rowKey
        ByteBuffer keyBB = mutEntry.getKey().asByteBuffer();

        // Get or create the single Cassandra Mutation object responsible for this key
        // Most mutations only modify the edgeStore and indexStore
        final Map<String, List<org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Mutation>> cfmutation
            = batch.computeIfAbsent(keyBB, k -> new HashMap<>(3));

        final KCVMutation mutation = mutEntry.getValue();
        final List<org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Mutation> thriftMutation = new ArrayList<>(mutations.size());
        // 省略删除的代码。
        if (mutation.hasAdditions()) {
            for (final Entry ent : mutation.getAdditions()) {
                final ColumnOrSuperColumn columnOrSuperColumn = new ColumnOrSuperColumn();
                // mutations 的第三层 key 是 column
                final Column column = new Column(ent.getColumnAs(StaticBuffer.BB_FACTORY));
                // mutations 的 value 是 value


                final Integer ttl = (Integer) ent.getMetaData().get(EntryMetaData.TTL);
                if (null != ttl && ttl > 0) {

                org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Mutation m = new org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Mutation();

        cfmutation.put(columnFamily, thriftMutation);

我们可以看出 mutateMany 方法的参数和写到 cassandra 的结果不是完全一致,主要是 rowkey 和 columnFamily 的位置是反的。

传入 mutateMany 的数据

通过调试可以看出,调用 mutateMany 的地方主要是 CacheTransation.persist ,而调用 persist 的就是 flushInternal 方法。相应代码:

// 成员变量: Map<KCVSCache, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVEntryMutation>> mutations

// 新建Map,这个 map 就是上面 mutateMany 的参数,key 分别是 columnFamily 和 rowKey ,
final Map<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> subMutations = new HashMap<>(mutations.size());

int numSubMutations = 0;
// 遍历 mutations
for (Map.Entry<KCVSCache,Map<StaticBuffer, KCVEntryMutation>> storeMutations : mutations.entrySet()) {
    final Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation> sub = new HashMap<>();
    // KCVSCache 的 getKey().getName() 就是 columnFamily
    // mutations 的 value
    for (Map.Entry<StaticBuffer,KCVEntryMutation> mutationsForKey : storeMutations.getValue().entrySet()) {
        if (mutationsForKey.getValue().isEmpty()) continue;
        // 将 mutationsForKey 放进去,这个 convert 做了啥没有具体研究,可能只是一个适配。
        sub.put(mutationsForKey.getKey(), convert(mutationsForKey.getValue()));
        if (numSubMutations>= persistChunkSize) {
            numSubMutations = persist(subMutations);

mutations 的构造

上面我们看出了,其实基本上没复杂处理,接下来我们看看 mutations 数据哪里来的。

对于 mutations 的修改操作,来自于 mutate 方法,代码:

// 传入的是 store(包含了columnFamily) key(rowKey) additions 和 deletions
void mutate(KCVSCache store, StaticBuffer key, List<Entry> additions, List<Entry> deletions) throws BackendException {
    if (additions.isEmpty() && deletions.isEmpty()) return;
    // 构造 KCVEntryMutation
    KCVEntryMutation m = new KCVEntryMutation(additions, deletions);
    // 这几步就是简单的合并所以的 additions 和 deletions
    final Map<StaticBuffer, KCVEntryMutation> storeMutation = mutations.computeIfAbsent(store, k -> new HashMap<>());
    KCVEntryMutation existingM = storeMutation.get(key);
    if (existingM != null) {
    } else {
        storeMutation.put(key, m);

    numMutations += m.getTotalMutations();

    if (batchLoading && numMutations >= persistChunkSize) {

mutate 方法参数来源

mutate 方法传入的是 store(包含了columnFamily) key(rowKey) additions 和 deletions,这几个参数哪里来的呢? KCVSCache 的 mutateEntries, mutateEdges 调用时机呢? edgeStore.mutateEntries(key, additions, deletions, storeTx); indexStore.mutateEntries(key, additions, deletions, storeTx); 我们先以 edgeStore 为例,在 StandardJanusGraph 的 prepareCommit 方法中,调用了 mutator.mutateEdges(vertexKey, additions, deletions); 代码如下,我们删掉了部分代码,包括 索引和数据删除。

ListMultimap<Long, InternalRelation> mutations = ArrayListMultimap.create();
ListMultimap<InternalVertex, InternalRelation> mutatedProperties = ArrayListMultimap.create();
List<IndexSerializer.IndexUpdate> indexUpdates = Lists.newArrayList();

//2) Collect added edges and their index updates and acquire edge locks
// add 是 InternalRelation ,包括 VertexProperty 和 Edge,前面分析过,VertexProperty 实际上就是顶点和一个 schema 的订单建一条边,Edge 就是两个顶点建一条边。
for (InternalRelation add : Iterables.filter(addedRelations,filter)) {
    // getLen 返回这个 Relation 的长度,如果是 VertexProperty 是1,Edge 是需要根据方向进行判断
    for (int pos = 0; pos < add.getLen(); pos++) {
        // 得到对应的 vertex 
        InternalVertex vertex = add.getVertex(pos);
        if (pos == 0 || !add.isLoop()) {
            // mutatedProperties 的 key: InternalVertex,value:InternalRelation,mutatedProperties 是用于更新索引的,在我们这里实际上没什么用。
            if (add.isProperty()) mutatedProperties.put(vertex,add);
            // mutations 的 key : vertexId, value : InternalRelation
            mutations.put(vertex.longId(), add);
        if (!vertex.isNew() && acquireLock(add,pos,acquireLocks)) {
            Entry entry = edgeSerializer.writeRelation(add, pos, tx);
            mutator.acquireEdgeLock(idManager.getKey(vertex.longId()), entry.getColumn());

//5) Add relation mutations
for (Long vertexId : mutations.keySet()) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(vertexId > 0, "Vertex has no id: %s", vertexId);
    final List<InternalRelation> edges = mutations.get(vertexId);
    final List<Entry> additions = new ArrayList<>(edges.size());
    final List<Entry> deletions = new ArrayList<>(Math.max(10, edges.size() / 10));
    for (final InternalRelation edge : edges) {
        // 得到 InternalRelationType ,分为 PropertyKey 和 EdgeLabel 两类
        final InternalRelationType baseType = (InternalRelationType) edge.getType();
        assert baseType.getBaseType()==null;

        for (InternalRelationType type : baseType.getRelationIndexes()) { 
            if (type.getStatus()== SchemaStatus.DISABLED) continue;
            // getArity 和 getLen 不一样,
            for (int pos = 0; pos < edge.getArity(); pos++) {
                if (!type.isUnidirected(Direction.BOTH) && !type.isUnidirected(EdgeDirection.fromPosition(pos)))
                    continue; //Directionality is not covered
                // 如果是起始顶点
                if (edge.getVertex(pos).longId()==vertexId) {
                    // 根据 edge type pos tx 得到应该序列化的 StaticArrayEntry
                    StaticArrayEntry entry = edgeSerializer.writeRelation(edge, type, pos, tx);
                    if (edge.isRemoved()) {
                    } else {
                        int ttl = getTTL(edge);
                        if (ttl > 0) {
                            entry.setMetaData(EntryMetaData.TTL, ttl);

    StaticBuffer vertexKey = idManager.getKey(vertexId);
    mutator.mutateEdges(vertexKey, additions, deletions);

edgeSerializer.writeRelation 到底做了什么

我们现在就想知道,数据是怎么被序列化话 entry 的,代码如下:

public StaticArrayEntry writeRelation(InternalRelation relation, InternalRelationType type, int position,
                                      TypeInspector tx) {
    assert type==relation.getType() || (type.getBaseType() != null
            && type.getBaseType().equals(relation.getType()));
    // 得到方向,pos 是 0 就是 out,是 1 就是 in
    Direction dir = EdgeDirection.fromPosition(position);
    // 方向验证
    Preconditions.checkArgument(type.isUnidirected(Direction.BOTH) || type.isUnidirected(dir));
    // 得到 typeId, 这个 type 是 VertexLabel 或者 PropertyKey
    long typeId = type.longId();
    // 得到 dirID 
    DirectionID dirID = getDirID(dir, relation.isProperty() ? RelationCategory.PROPERTY : RelationCategory.EDGE);
    // 得到 一个 out
    DataOutput out = serializer.getDataOutput(DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
    // key 和 value 的分割地址。
    int valuePosition;
    // 写 typeId 和 dirID 
    IDHandler.writeRelationType(out, typeId, dirID, type.isInvisibleType());
    // 得到 multiplicity 和 sortKey
    Multiplicity multiplicity = type.multiplicity();
    long[] sortKey = type.getSortKey();
    assert !multiplicity.isConstrained() || sortKey.length==0: type.name();
    int keyStartPos = out.getPosition();
    if (!multiplicity.isConstrained()) {
        // 如果 multiplicity 是 没有限制,也就是为 MULTI,必须要有 sortKey,写出 sortKey。
        writeInlineTypes(sortKey, relation, out, tx, InlineType.KEY);
    // 到这里 key 就写完了,得到 key 的 pos
    int keyEndPos = out.getPosition();

    long relationId = relation.longId();

    //How multiplicity is handled for edges and properties is slightly different
    if (relation.isEdge()) {
        // 得到另一个 vertex 的 id
        long otherVertexId = relation.getVertex((position + 1) % 2).longId();
        // 如果 multiplicity 有限制
        if (multiplicity.isConstrained()) {
            // isUnique
            if (multiplicity.isUnique(dir)) {
                // 得到 valuePosition ,写出 otherVertexId 
                valuePosition = out.getPosition();
                VariableLong.writePositive(out, otherVertexId);
            } else {
                // 反方向写 otherVertexId ,记下 valuePosition
                VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, otherVertexId);
                valuePosition = out.getPosition();
            // 写下 relationId
            VariableLong.writePositive(out, relationId);
        } else {
            // 没有限制,反方向写出 otherVertexId 和 relationId ,记下 valuePosition
            VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, otherVertexId);
            VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, relationId);
            valuePosition = out.getPosition();
    } else { // PropertyKey
        assert relation.isProperty();
        // 得到 property 的值。
        Object value = ((JanusGraphVertexProperty) relation).value();
        PropertyKey key = (PropertyKey) type;
        assert key.dataType().isInstance(value);
        // 写出 value 得到 valuePosition
        if (multiplicity.isConstrained()) { // 没有限制的 property
            if (multiplicity.isUnique(dir)) { //Cardinality=SINGLE
                valuePosition = out.getPosition();
            } else { //Cardinality=SET
                valuePosition = out.getPosition();
            VariableLong.writePositive(out, relationId);
        } else {
            assert multiplicity.getCardinality()== Cardinality.LIST;
            VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, relationId);
            valuePosition = out.getPosition();

    //Write signature
    long[] signature = type.getSignature();
    writeInlineTypes(signature, relation, out, tx, InlineType.SIGNATURE);

    //Write remaining properties
    LongSet writtenTypes = new LongHashSet(sortKey.length + signature.length);
    if (sortKey.length > 0 || signature.length > 0) {
        for (long id : sortKey) writtenTypes.add(id);
        for (long id : signature) writtenTypes.add(id);
    LongArrayList remainingTypes = new LongArrayList(8);
    for (PropertyKey t : relation.getPropertyKeysDirect()) {
        if (!(t instanceof ImplicitKey) && !writtenTypes.contains(t.longId())) {
    //Sort types before writing to ensure that value is always written the same way
    long[] remaining = remainingTypes.toArray();
    for (long tid : remaining) {
        PropertyKey t = tx.getExistingPropertyKey(tid);
        writeInline(out, t, relation.getValueDirect(t), InlineType.NORMAL);
    assert valuePosition>0;

    return new StaticArrayEntry(type.getSortOrder() == Order.DESC ?
                                out.getStaticBufferFlipBytes(keyStartPos, keyEndPos) :
                                out.getStaticBuffer(), valuePosition);


我们需要了解一下 writeInline 方法以及 StaticArrayEntry VariableLong 类。


Entry (org.janusgraph.diskstorage)
BaseStaticArrayEntry (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util)
StaticEntry in StaticArrayEntryList (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util)
StaticArrayEntry (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util)
SwappingEntry in StaticArrayEntryList (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util)
StaticArrayEntry (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.util)

Entry 代表存储在 cassandra 基本结构,有 getColumn getValuePosition getValue 等方法, BaseStaticArrayEntry 则是利用一个 array,offset,limit,valuePosition 进行封装。




writeInline 方法实现:

private void writeInlineTypes(long[] keyIds, InternalRelation relation, DataOutput out, TypeInspector tx,
                              InlineType inlineType) {
    for (long keyId : keyIds) {
        PropertyKey t = tx.getExistingPropertyKey(keyId);
        writeInline(out, t, relation.getValueDirect(t), inlineType);

private void writeInline(DataOutput out, PropertyKey inlineKey, Object value, InlineType inlineType) {
    assert inlineType.writeInlineKey() || !AttributeUtil.hasGenericDataType(inlineKey);

    if (inlineType.writeInlineKey()) {
        IDHandler.writeInlineRelationType(out, inlineKey.longId());

    writePropertyValue(out,inlineKey,value, inlineType);

private void writePropertyValue(DataOutput out, PropertyKey key, Object value, InlineType inlineType) {
    if (AttributeUtil.hasGenericDataType(key)) {
        assert !inlineType.writeByteOrdered();
    } else {
        assert value==null || value.getClass().equals(key.dataType());
        if (inlineType.writeByteOrdered()) out.writeObjectByteOrder(value, key.dataType());
        else out.writeObject(value, key.dataType());

从代码我们可以看出,实际上都是对id进行的操作,所以如果知道了顶点的 id,给顶点添加边和属性,实际上不需要查询这个顶点,直接操作即可,所以这给我们导数据提供了一种思路,可以直接操作 id。

writeRelation 方法的参数怎么构造的

从上面我们可以看出来 edgeSerializer.writeRelation 方法的参数是 (edge, type, pos, tx),而 edge 来自于对 mutations 的处理,mutations 来自 add ,add 来自 addedRelations。

addedRelations 进行 add 操作的步骤在 StandardJanusGraph 的 connectRelation(InternalRelation r) 方法中。connectRelation 方法有两处调用 addEdge 和 addProperty。

addEdge 和 addProperty 的调用栈就比较多了。


1. janus 官网介绍


Edge Label



Property Keys

dataType(Class) 确定数据类型,Object.class 能够传入任何参数,但是不鼓励。

Property Key Cardinality

SINGLE: Allows at most one value per element for such key. In other words, the key→value mapping is unique for all elements in the graph. The property key birthDate is an example with SINGLE cardinality since each person has exactly one birth date. LIST: Allows an arbitrary number of values per element for such key. In other words, the key is associated with a list of values allowing duplicate values. Assuming we model sensors as vertices in a graph, the property key sensorReading is an example with LIST cardinality to allow lots of (potentially duplicate) sensor readings to be recorded. SET: Allows multiple values but no duplicate values per element for such key. In other words, the key is associated with a set of values. The property key name has SET cardinality if we want to capture all names of an individual (including nick name, maiden name, etc).

Relation Types

Edge labels and property keys are jointly referred to as relation types ,must unique

Vertex Labels

call makeVertexLabel(String).make()

Unidirected Edges


2. addProperty 和 addEdge

public JanusGraphVertexProperty addProperty(VertexProperty.Cardinality cardinality, JanusGraphVertex vertex, PropertyKey key, Object value) {
    if (key.cardinality().convert()!=cardinality && cardinality!=VertexProperty.Cardinality.single)
        throw new SchemaViolationException("Key is defined for %s cardinality which conflicts with specified: %s",key.cardinality(),cardinality);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(!(key instanceof ImplicitKey),"Cannot create a property of implicit type: %s",key.name());
    vertex = ((InternalVertex) vertex).it();
    checkPropertyConstraintForVertexOrCreatePropertyConstraint(vertex, key);
    final Object normalizedValue = verifyAttribute(key, value);
    // 得到 Cardinality SINGLE LIST SET ,一般是 SINGLE
    Cardinality keyCardinality = key.cardinality();
    // 省略部分代码
    try {
          // 省略检查
        StandardVertexProperty prop = new StandardVertexProperty(IDManager.getTemporaryRelationID(temporaryIds.nextID()), key, (InternalVertex) vertex, normalizedValue, ElementLifeCycle.New);
        if (config.hasAssignIDsImmediately()) graph.assignID(prop);
        return prop;
    } finally {


public JanusGraphEdge addEdge(JanusGraphVertex outVertex, JanusGraphVertex inVertex, EdgeLabel label) {
    verifyWriteAccess(outVertex, inVertex);
    outVertex = ((InternalVertex) outVertex).it();
    inVertex = ((InternalVertex) inVertex).it();
    checkConnectionConstraintOrCreateConnectionConstraint(outVertex, inVertex, label);
    Multiplicity multiplicity = label.multiplicity();
    TransactionLock uniqueLock = getUniquenessLock(outVertex, (InternalRelationType) label,inVertex);
    try {
     // 省略检查
        StandardEdge edge = new StandardEdge(IDManager.getTemporaryRelationID(temporaryIds.nextID()), label, (InternalVertex) outVertex, (InternalVertex) inVertex, ElementLifeCycle.New);
        if (config.hasAssignIDsImmediately()) graph.assignID(edge);
        return edge;
    } finally {

其实这两个做的最主要的就两步: new StandardEdge new StandardVertexProperty connectRelation(edge);

connectRelation 最主要的就是 addedRelations.add®

最后在 commit 的时候,会 处理 addedRelations,代码逻辑在上面我们已经看过了。我们在简化一下:

for (InternalRelation add : Iterables.filter(addedRelations,filter)) {

    for (int pos = 0; pos < add.getLen(); pos++) {
        InternalVertex vertex = add.getVertex(pos);
        if (pos == 0 || !add.isLoop()) {
            // 添加 mutations
            mutations.put(vertex.longId(), add);

for (Long vertexId : mutations.keySet()) {

    final List<InternalRelation> edges = mutations.get(vertexId);
    final List<Entry> additions = new ArrayList<>(edges.size());
    final List<Entry> deletions = new ArrayList<>(Math.max(10, edges.size() / 10));
    for (final InternalRelation edge : edges) {
        final InternalRelationType baseType = (InternalRelationType) edge.getType();
        assert baseType.getBaseType()==null;

        for (InternalRelationType type : baseType.getRelationIndexes()) { // getRelationIndexes 这里是得到了 RelationTypeIndex 相关的 关系
            if (type.getStatus()== SchemaStatus.DISABLED) continue;
            for (int pos = 0; pos < edge.getArity(); pos++) {
                if (!type.isUnidirected(Direction.BOTH) && !type.isUnidirected(EdgeDirection.fromPosition(pos)))
                    continue; //Directionality is not covered
                if (edge.getVertex(pos).longId()==vertexId) {
                    StaticArrayEntry entry = edgeSerializer.writeRelation(edge, type, pos, tx);
                    if (edge.isRemoved()) {
                    } else {
                        int ttl = getTTL(edge);
                        if (ttl > 0) {
                            entry.setMetaData(EntryMetaData.TTL, ttl);

    StaticBuffer vertexKey = idManager.getKey(vertexId);
    mutator.mutateEdges(vertexKey, additions, deletions);


会逐步调用 edgeStore.mutateEntries(key, additions, deletions, storeTx); mutateEntries(StaticBuffer key, List additions, List deletions, StoreTransaction txh) mutate

mutate 会将改变都记录到 mutations 中,在 flushInternal 的时候 mutations 会变换一下记录到 subMutations ,然后调用 persist(subMutations); 紧接着调用 manager.mutateMany(subMutations, tx); 最后重构成 cfmutation,通过 cassandra 的 CTConnection 保存到 cassandra 中。


id 分配

StandardIDPool 进行 id 的分配,调用 graph.assignID(schemaVertex, BaseVertexLabel.DEFAULT_VERTEXLABEL) 等方法的时候,会调用。

assignID:455, StandardJanusGraph (org.janusgraph.graphdb.database)
assignID:153, VertexIDAssigner (org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.idassigner)
assignID:182, VertexIDAssigner (org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.idassigner)
assignID:308, VertexIDAssigner (org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.idassigner)
nextID:204, StandardIDPool (org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.idassigner)
nextBlock:173, StandardIDPool (org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.idassigner)
startIDBlockGetter:247, StandardIDPool (org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.idassigner)

call:288, StandardIDPool$IDBlockGetter (org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.idassigner)
getIDBlock:213, ConsistentKeyIDAuthority (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.idmanagement)
    getBlockApplication:373, ConsistentKeyIDAuthority (org.janusgraph.diskstorage.idmanagement)
idStore.mutate(partitionKey, Arrays.asList(StaticArrayEntry.of(finalTarget)), KeyColumnValueStore.NO_DELETIONS, txh);



首先是 VertexIDAssigner 的创建:

public VertexIDAssigner(Configuration config, IDAuthority idAuthority, StoreFeatures idAuthFeatures) {
    this.idAuthority = idAuthority;

    int partitionBits = NumberUtil.getPowerOf2(config.get(CLUSTER_MAX_PARTITIONS));
    idManager = new IDManager(partitionBits);
    Preconditions.checkArgument(idManager.getPartitionBound() <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && idManager.getPartitionBound()>0);
    this.partitionIdBound = (int)idManager.getPartitionBound();
    hasLocalPartitions = idAuthFeatures.hasLocalKeyPartition();

    placementStrategy = Backend.getImplementationClass(config, config.get(PLACEMENT_STRATEGY),
    log.debug("Partition IDs? [{}], Local Partitions? [{}]",true,hasLocalPartitions);

    long baseBlockSize = config.get(IDS_BLOCK_SIZE);
    idAuthority.setIDBlockSizer(new SimpleVertexIDBlockSizer(baseBlockSize));

    renewTimeoutMS = config.get(IDS_RENEW_TIMEOUT);
    renewBufferPercentage = config.get(IDS_RENEW_BUFFER_PERCENTAGE);

    idPools = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, PartitionIDPool>(partitionIdBound);
    schemaIdPool = new StandardIDPool(idAuthority, IDManager.SCHEMA_PARTITION, PoolType.SCHEMA.getIDNamespace(),
            IDManager.getSchemaCountBound(), renewTimeoutMS, renewBufferPercentage);
    partitionVertexIdPool = new StandardIDPool(idAuthority, IDManager.PARTITIONED_VERTEX_PARTITION, PoolType.PARTITIONED_VERTEX.getIDNamespace(),
            PoolType.PARTITIONED_VERTEX.getCountBound(idManager), renewTimeoutMS, renewBufferPercentage);

里面主要有 idAuthority , idManager(partitionBits=5) partitionIdBound=32 placementStrategy idPools schemaIdPool partitionVertexIdPool .


id 有三个部分组成 [0 count suffix partitionId],count,最高位是0,然后是后缀。后缀在 IDManager 中有配置,partitionId 默认是5位. 第一部是 得到 partitionID ,分为很多种情况,例如 schema 为0,分区的为 -1,vertex 的为 placementStrategy 随机获得。例如8, Relation 通过 incident 获得。

然后才是 assignID 先得到 count ,得到过程是: 通过 partition 在 idPools 得到 PartitionIDPool,如果没有,新建 PartitionIDPool ,然后在每个 PartitionIDPool 中新建 3个 StandardIDPool ,分别对应 NORMAL_VERTEX, UNMODIFIABLE_VERTEX, RELATION; 在 PartitionIDPool 中得到现在的 element 所对应的 idPool,然后调用 count = idPool.nextID() 得到count ,nextID 会调用 currentBlock 得到 id。如果当前的 currentBlock 分配完了,重新申请一个 block

调用 getId 方法的时候,会有一个 uniqueIDBitWidth ,默认是 4位,然后还有一个 unique 数值是0,最后返回的是得到的count 左右4位,如果是1,就是16. 返回了 count,然后构造的 结果就是 00000 0 000010000000


构造传入了:idAuthority partition idNamespace idUpperBound renewBufferPercentage 还有一个 exec ,用来执行线程。 还有 currentBlock currentIndex renewBlockIndex 记录当前的状态。


我们从 assignID 开始看。分为两步:

partitionID = placementStrategy.getPartition(element);



bulk loading

接下来我们要做一个导数据的工具。我们有一堆给定好的书籍,然后我们能够将数据导入到 janus 中,我们需要结合 cassandra 和 hbase 自带的 bulk loading 工具。 首先我们需要得到所有的序列化的数据,实际上就是 edge 数据,而 index 的数据我们可以后续调用 reindex。

vertex 导入

我们可以想象一下,导入边的流程,首先要有一个表格,并且这个表格要带有表头,然后下面的就是数据。表头包括字段名和数据类型,其中第一个是主键。例如有电话的数据,表头结构为: phone:string,name:string,relation:integer

我们程序首先是验证数据,验证数据主要是重复性检验,格式检验。然后需要创建 schema。读取所有的表头,并创建好 schema。然后导入数据。